PATEK PHILIPPE and FORTUNE MAGAZINE have reached a mutually agreeable settlement over the dispute caused by the unintended early disclosure of the Cubitus campaign. This settlement follows PATEK PHILIPPE's action to duly assert its rights.
FORTUNE MAGAZINE recognizes that the advertisement featuring visuals of the new Cubitus collection was released a few days before the official release date on October 17, 2024, and appeared on social media. FORTUNE MAGAZINE made every efforts to mitigate the impact, and both parties have fully resolved this matter amicably.
すでにパテック フィリップ マガジンを定期購読されているお客様で、オーナー・エリアへのアクセスをご希望の方は、定期購読のご登録情報(お名前、郵便番号、メールアドレス、今後弊社からのメールをご希望されるかどうか)をご明記のうえ、コンタクト・フォーム、またはowners@patek.comまでメールにてご連絡ください。追ってアクセス情報をお送りいたします。