This website (the ‘Site’) is provided by PATEK PHILIPPE SA GENÈVE (‘Patek Philippe’). By accessing, browsing or otherwise using this Site you agree to these Website Terms and Conditions (the “Terms and Conditions”). You should read these Terms and Conditions carefully and should check them for any changes on return visits to the Site. Your continued use of the Site following any changes to the Terms and Conditions indicates that you accept any changes.

If you have any questions concerning these Terms and Conditions or the Site please write to Patek Philippe by e-mail using the following address: All rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are expressly reserved by Patek Philippe.

1. Ownership and Use of the Site

Copyright© Patek Philippe. The copyright and all other intellectual property rights on the Site and all content displayed on or accessible from the Site (“Content”) is owned by or licenced to Patek Philippe and protected by the Swiss copyright laws, international copyright treaties and all other applicable copyright and intellectual property laws.
You are granted a limited, personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable licence to access, browse and use the Site and the Content only for your own personal and non-commercial use. We may revoke your right to use this Site at any time in our sole discretion.
You may not access, copy, download, rip, distribute, modify, republish, broadcast, embed into any other site, communicate to the public, or otherwise use, deal with or exploit any part of the Site or Content without the prior written consent of Patek Philippe except as expressly permitted by these Terms and Conditions.
You must use the Site and Content only for lawful purposes and in a way which does not infringe the rights of anyone else or restrict or inhibit anyone else’s use and enjoyment of the Site and Content. You agree that you will not remove or modify any copyright, other proprietary notices or trademarks which appear on the Site or the Content.

2. Liability for Content

Patek Philippe tries to ensure that the Content is correct but accepts no liability for any errors or omissions. The Content should not be relied on and Patek Philippe accepts no liability for such reliance.

3. Exclusion of Warranties

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law Patek Philippe excludes all warranties, representations or understandings whatsoever (whether express or implied) in relation to the Site and the Content, specifically including but not limited to, any warranty or representation that the Site and the Content are free from computer viruses, errors and omissions and do not infringe any third parties’ rights.

4. Trademarks

Patek Philippe owns the rights in and to the domain name. Other trademarks, products, services and company names mentioned on the Site or in Content may be trademarks of their respective owners or licensors and the rights in such marks are reserved to their respective owners or licensors.

5. Links

By virtue of hypertext or other computer links you may be able to access other website pages on the Internet which are not part of Patek Philippe's Site content. Patek Philippe is not responsible for nor assumes any liability for the contents of other sites which are linked to Patek Philippe's Site. Patek Philippe shall have no liability in respect of material linked to Patek Philippe's Site which may be misleading, inaccurate, defamatory, threatening or obscene or otherwise not in accordance with applicable regulations as may be from time to time in force. The provision by Patek Philippe of a link to another site does not constitute authorization by Patek Philippe to you to access materials held at that location, nor is it evidence of any endorsement by Patek Philippe of the material held there. You acknowledge and agree that you access such third party sites, services, products or content at your own risk and are wholly responsible for making your own independent judgment regarding your use or interaction with the same. We recommend you read the privacy and terms of use policies of each third party’s site that you access.

For your own personal, non-commercial purposes, you may establish a link to our Site or any of the Content, provided that in doing so you do not damage or take advantage of our reputation or act illegally. In linking to our Site you must not imply that there is any association, approval or endorsement on the part of Patek Philippe where none exists. The Site must not be framed on any other site. Patek Philippe reserves the right to withdraw linking permission without notice.

6. Further Assurances

You agree that you will do any and all acts and things, and execute any and all documents, that we may reasonably request in order to carry out the intended provisions of these Terms and Conditions.


1. Introduction

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale on (the “Terms and Conditions”) define the contractual relationship between PATEK PHILIPPE SA GENÈVE (“Patek Philippe”), a limited company by shares organized under the laws of Switzerland with registered office at rue du Rhône 41, CH – 1204 Genève, Register of Commerce of Canton de Genève nr. CH-660.0.003.901-5, referred below to as “we”, on one part, and any natural or legal person making a purchase on the Site of Patek Philippe, on his/her own behalf or for a third party, referred below to as “you”, on the other part.

2. Interpretation

In these Terms and Conditions, “we” means Patek Philippe (and “us” and “our” will be construed accordingly); and “you” means our customer or potential customer for products (and “your” will be construed accordingly).

3. General conditions for placing an order

Any person who places an order on his/her private capacity on our website (the “Site”) declares that he/she is above the age of 18 and has the legal capacity or, in the absence thereof, the parental authorization enabling him/her to enter into the contract. If not, in order to settle a possible dispute, we reserve the right to contact the person(s) having the parent care or the deputy of the concerned person directly. We will therefore be authorized, but not limited to, to require that the person(s) having the parent care or the deputy of the concerned person settles all orders placed by the concerned person.

Any person who places an order for professional use on the Site declares that he/she has the authorization from the company, entity or any other similar structure he/she is acting for, to enter into the contract in its name. In particular, if the concerned person placed an order by using his/her professional e-mail authorizes us to admit that his/her company, entity or any other similar structure accepts to pay for the placed order(s). In order to settle a possible dispute, we reserve the right to contact the person who placed the orders and will be authorized, but not limited to, to require that the concerned person settles all placed orders.

4. The Products

On our website, we offer to our clients the availability to place orders for:

  • “Extract from the Archives” documents for any Patek Philippe timepiece older than ten years,
  • books available on our website under the section “Company > Library”,
  • tickets for visiting the Patek Philippe Museum.

as defined hereafter.

5. “Extract from the Archives”

5.1 Definition

An “Extract from the Archives” states the meticulously kept information regarding any Patek Philippe timepiece registered in the Patek Philippe Archives since 1839. It can only be requested for any Patek Philippe timepiece whose date of first sale exceeds 10 years from the date of the request. One single Extract can be requested per 12-month period, per timepiece.

5.2 Acceptance of orders

All orders placed by you are subject to our acceptance. Even if the order is placed correctly and the concerned person has read and accepted these Terms and Conditions, the contract does not become effective as long as we do not accept it. We may choose not to accept your “Extract from the Archives” order at our entire discretion for any reason without liability to you, in particular, but not limited to, in the following situations:

  1. Wrong watch movement number and/or watch case number,
  2. Incomplete watch movement number and/or watch case number,
  3. Watch movement number doesn’t match with watch case number
  4. The description of the timepiece doesn’t match with our archives,
  5. The pictures of the timepiece don’t match with our archives,
  6. The timepiece has received substantial changes outside our workshops,
  7. The timepiece is registered as “stolen” or unauthentic in our archives.

If we accept the order, we will send you an e-mail confirming it to the electronic address you indicated during the ordering process. This e-mail is our acceptance of your order and therefore constitutes the contract of sale between you and us governed by the present Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice on We will then proceed to process the order in compliance with the clauses set out in the present Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Notice on

5.3 Price

Each order costs CHF 500.- (five hundred) Swiss Francs, all applicable Swiss taxes included. An “Extract from the Archives” order is free of delivery charges. Import and / or customs duties and taxes are at the exclusive charge of the customer.

5.4 Payment terms

We only accept credit card prepaid orders through our dedicated order page.

5.5 Invoicing

Where we elect, or are required by applicable law, to issue or make available an invoice, we reserve the right to issue or make available electronic invoices and you agree to such form of invoicing.

5.6 Delivery

The “Extract from the Archives” document will be sent within ten weeks from order acceptance.

5.7 Right of cancellation and returns

The cancellation of an “Extract from the Archives” order is possible only if the cancellation request is made before the delivery of the “Extract from the Archives” document. Cancellation must be sent using exclusively the following email address :

The return of “Extract from the Archives” document is not accepted.

6. Library orders

6.1 Definition

Such orders refer to orders of books available in the “Library” of our website under the section “Company”.

6.2 Acceptance of orders

All orders are accepted as soon as they are placed correctly and the concerned person has read and accepted these Terms and Conditions.

The books are delivered within the limits of available stocks. An order can be modified if an ordered book is no longer available.

6.3 Price

The price of each book is listed next to it on the “Library” of our website under the section “Company”.

Prices are stipulated in Swiss Francs, inclusive of all taxes applicable in Switzerland.

A “Library order” is free of delivery charge as well in Switzerland as abroad, except of any customs duties and tax specific to foreign countries which you have to bear.

6.4 Payment terms

More information about the payment methods that we accept can be found in our Payment section.

6.5 Invoicing

Where we elect, or are required by applicable law, to issue or make available an invoice, we reserve the right to issue or make available electronic invoices and you agree to such form of invoicing.

6.6 Delivery

The book will be sent to you as soon as possible upon receipt of payment.

6.7 Cancellation of an order

An order can be cancelled in the case it has not been processed yet.

The cancellation must be sent using either the postal or the electronic address mentioned under Article 17.

6.8 Returns

A book can only be returned in case of delivery error. The book must be returned to us at our expense in its original package, neither used nor damaged, together with its original invoice. Delivery error means receiving another book than the one which ordered.

Such a return must occur within 10 days after the invoice’s date.

Unless the returned book is used and/or damaged, the invoice will be cancelled and your payment refunded according to Article 8.

7. Entries to the Patek Philippe Museum

7.1 Preamble

Tickets can be purchased on site or online.

Confirmation of the purchase by the customer and payment of his purchases imply his unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale.

7.2 Online ticketing

The prices are mentioned in Swiss francs (CHF). The price indicated at the time of ordering is decisive. The sale of admission tickets to the Patek Philippe Museum is processed within the limits of the quotas allocated to each time slot. Before validating their order, the customer must check that their selection complies with their wishes.

The tickets purchased online are delivered in an electronic form. Tickets can be downloaded at the end of the sale and sent by email to the email address indicated. No postal delivery is planned.

Each beneficiary of a reduced rate must be able to present a supporting document at the museum reception. The presentation of invalid proof will result in an access refusal or in a request for the payment of the difference.

7.3 Payment methods

Payments must be made in Swiss francs (CHF). The tickets are paid for when ordering. The orders are only effective upon receipt of the payment. The payment methods are set out below under Article 8 of the present Terms and Conditions of Sale.

7.4 E-ticket

The E-ticket is valid if it is presented on a smartphone, tablet, or in paper version (preferably A4 on blank white paper).

The entry to the museum is subject to the validity checking of the E-ticket via the printed codes. A good print quality is necessary. E-tickets that are partially printed, soiled, damaged or illegible will not be accepted and will be considered invalid. In the case of an incident or poor printing quality, the customer must print their E-ticket again or present it on their smartphone/tablet. To check the good quality of the printing, it is imperative that the customer checks that the information written on the E-ticket, as well as the barcode, are clearly readable.

7.5 Responsibility of the buyer

The buyer is solely responsible for his ticket. He assumes full responsibility in the case of loss or theft of the ticket, including within the museum. In the event of loss or theft of the ticket, no refund can be requested.

7.6 Fraudulent use of an entry fee

Each ticket is unique: the barcode it contains will be scanned at entry and will only allow the admission of one person. Therefore, only the first person to present the ticket will be admitted to the museum. It is prohibited to reproduce, duplicate or counterfeit the ticket in any way. The Patek Philippe Museum will refuse access to the museum to any bearer of an entry fee who has already been admitted.

7.7 Cancellation and refund

The entrance tickets purchased online through the ticketing system are non-refundable.

7.8 Audio guides

The Patek Philippe Museum offers audio guides to its visitors. Reservations for these are available directly through the ticketing system when purchasing tickets, subject to availability.

The audio guides can be collected on site after your entry into the museum and only upon presentation of a valid ID card.

8. Payment

8.1 Methods of payment

We only accept the following methods of payment:

  • Visa
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
  • Diners Club

8.2 Payment currency

The orders are charged in the Swiss Franc currency.

9. Refunds

If you cancel an order and are entitled to a refund, we will usually refund any money received from you using the same method originally used by you to pay for your purchase. We will process the refund due to you as soon as possible and, in any event, within 30 days of the day we received your valid notice of cancellation according to Article 5.7 or 6.7. This rule applies in a similar way to returns of books according to Article 6.8.

10. Protection of Personal data

Please refer to our Privacy Notice and Website Terms and Conditions.

11. License to access the Site

Please refer to our Website Terms and Conditions.

12. Liability

We undertake to use our best endeavors to provide you with the best possible service quality consistent with the work done by all our employees. However, we cannot be held liable for any delay in delivering ordered articles, in particular for any delay in delivery of these articles by post, our order delivery partner, or its international partners.

Despite our vigilance and all the precautions taken by us in dealing with the partners with whom we work to enable you to benefit from the services offered by us to you, we do not guarantee the absence of any disturbance of the working of the Site and the parts thereof. Consequently, we decline any liability for direct or indirect prejudice which may result from access to, or use of, the Site or some of its elements, just as we decline any liability which may result from the impossibility of accessing or using the Site, such as breakdowns or interruptions, network overloaded, distortion of messages, deliberate clogging of the electronic network by third parties, access breaking down or made impossible by network operators ensuing impossibility for us to process your order in due time. Similarly we decline all liability for all risks associated with the installation of software permitting consultation of the Site or for any damage resulting from errors in transmission, technical faults, overload or interruptions of communications.

We have made all the necessary arrangements to ensure the security of your payments by credit card with our partner PostFinance ( However, we decline any liability for the use of this payment facility. In particular, you recognize that we cannot be liable for loss caused to you as a result of transmission errors, impersonation, forgery, hacking or deciphering by unauthorized persons or authorities (Swiss or foreign), in particular if your computer equipment, your Internet access or your credit card are not sufficiently secure to protect you against potential risks when you make online purchases.

Moreover, you have sole responsibility in respect of any order placed which fails to comply with the legislation of the country of delivery or is prohibited on its territory and, that being so, we cannot be held liable.

13. Trademark and copyright

Please refer to our Website Terms and Conditions.

14. Amendments to these terms

We reserve the right to make changes to these terms at any time. You, and any contract between us, will be subject to the version of these terms in force at the time you have placed any order on our website.

15. Events beyond our reasonable control

We will not be held responsible for any delay or failure to perform or comply with our obligations under these Terms and Conditions if the delay or failure arises from any cause, which is beyond our reasonable control.

16. Severance

Each provision of these terms shall be construed separately and independently of each other. If any provision is deemed invalid, void or otherwise unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable from and not affect the enforceability of any of the other provisions of these terms.

17. Governing law and jurisdiction

These Terms and Conditions and all “Extract from the Archives” documents’ transactions and/or orders of books available in the “Library” of our Site under the section “Company” are governed by Swiss law and you irrevocably agree that the courts of Geneva, Switzerland, shall have exclusive jurisdiction to resolve any controversy or claim of whatever nature arising out of or relating to the above.

18. About us

If you have any questions regarding these Terms and Conditions, respectively the Privacy Notice or the Website Terms and Conditions, you can contact us at:

Chemin du Pont du Centenaire 141 – 1228 Plan les Ouates
Case postale 2654 – CH – 1211 Genève 2

Contact form: Contact Us
Tel.: +41.22.884.20.20
Fax.: +41.22.884.20.40

VAT number: CHE-107.779.514

Geneva, 23th August 2021

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